Being a leader comes with extra responsibilities. You have a duty to uphold the values and ethics of your company, which is not always easy. However, it is absolutely essential to do so if you wish to run a team effectively.
The biggest reason it is important to lead by example is because people learn by watching others. Let’s say your boss is perpetually late to work. If you know he won’t be in until 30 minutes after starting time, what is stopping you from coming in late, too? Many leaders find that their employees pick up their bad habits, which can make it impossible to discipline them. After all, they have a good reason to believe that they will not be punished if you are able to get away with doing less.
Additionally, by showing you follow the rules, you set the precedent that the rules are important. This signals to your employees that the people making the rules should be trusted. If you, instead, decide to ignore the rules and do whatever you want, you will quickly find that your employees are less trusting when changes occur.
Leading by example does not only include following rules, though. Being a confident leader can inspire your employees to also feel confident. Of course, it is important to do your job well, or else the confidence will seem misplaced. Still, feeling sure of yourself and openly expressing your approval of the team’s work will help them feel confident, and thus, do better work.
You may also see employee happiness improve if they have a good role model to look up to. Everyone has had a bad manager, and there is nothing that can turn good employees away faster. By doing your best to lead in a positive, thoughtful, and decisive way, you will show your employees that you are not just another bad manager. This good will can ultimately lead to higher employee retention, as they decide they would like to continue working with you.
Although it is not possible to be perfect, even as a manager, by doing your best, you will be miles ahead of many others. Consider how your leadership style reflects what you ask of your employees. If you find major discrepancies, be sure to take the necessary steps to change and become a better leader.